Large urban abstract expressionism street graffiti contemporary painting

Sides are painted a translucent white and the painting is finished with a light protective spray for a mostly matte sheen. Signed on back and side. Arrow through slideshow images to view video of this piece, as well as images of the 11.5 foot x 26 foot x 2 inch painting it became for a beautiful lobby renovation in Brentwood, …


Extra large colorful urban contemporary abstract painting street graffiti edge Los Angeles artist

Multilayered and colorful, this oversized contemporary abstract triptych painting contains urban graffiti like lines and organic, natural shapes that weave over and under each other to create an intricate expressionist dreamscape. Underlying layers were created with acrylic, pastel and graphite; top layers are in bold oilstick. Signed on back and side of each canvas. Left canvas: 88″x45″; middle canvas: 88″x48″; …


Large urban abstract painting blue black white Laura Letchinger

Collaged elements consist of canvas pieces, tissue paper and heavy weight paper; lightly spray varnished for a mostly matte finish. Sides unpainted/rough, signed on back and side. Arrow through slideshow to view video of this piece.


Large contemporary urban abstract succulent painting by Laura Letchinger

A blooming succulent plant painting in oil over a layered black acrylic background intensifies the complexities of this sturdy and resilient natural beauty. Signed on back and side. Please arrow through images in slideshow to view a video of details.